Pia Bojanowski MMH ’96
Pia Bojanowski MMH ’96, a hotel industry consultant and a long-standing Cornell Hotel Society Washington DC Chapter board member, shares with us what it means to her to be a Hotelie for Life®.
“In 1994 I was a part of the inaugural class of a newly designed Master of Management in Hospitality program, a 2-year program like an MBA, which is the most important aspect of my Hotelie for Life story, it solidified my commitment to the hotel industry. I learned about the fundamentals of the hotel business and how to be a theory-based, forward-thinking, and action-oriented hotel industry professional from the best and brightest professors. I treasure the bonds of friendship that I established at the hotel school at a time when I was shaping who I wanted to be. I have a circle of Hotelie friends that are very successful in their careers and scattered in various countries, regardless of that, I’m connected to them and they continue to enrich my life even though we are all grounded at home due to a pandemic. To me being a “Hotelie for Life” means I can confidently say I have the best hotel industry related education, access to the best professional network in the world, and the best friends!”
Pia is pictured here at a café on her last trip to Paris in 2019 and at her local tennis courts in Old Town Alexandria.

Pia Bojanowski MMH ’96