Greg Bodenair ’10
Greg Bodenair ’10, a freelance marketer and CHS New England Chapter board member based in Boston, shares with us what it means to him to be a Hotelie® for Life.
“Ever since I was 12 years old, I knew I wanted to be a Cornell Hotelie. Even back then, I knew I had a passion for people and a desire to make an impact on the hospitality industry. Fast forward two decades later, I could not be prouder to be a Hotelie® for Life. My time as an undergraduate and the ensuing ten years as an actively engaged alum and Cornell Hotel Society chapter board member has taught me the importance of connection and compassion for others. Thanks to my Cornell experiences, I have been able to work and travel around the globe, from working in idyllic resort destinations such as Bermuda to marketing in dynamic cities like San Francisco, Boston, and New York City.
Along the way, I have forged countless relationships that have enriched my life not only professionally but also on a very personal level. I count my Cornell connections as some of the most empathetic, caring individuals I know, friends who truly understand, and live by, the Life is Service mantra every single day.”
Greg Bodenair ’10 Greg, with brother Tyler.