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Russell (Russ) Urban ’81

Russell (Russ) Urban ’81, President of High Hotels, shares with us what it means to him to be a Hotelie for Life®.

“Since deciding to attend SHA in 1977, I have been so honored to be a part of the larger-than-life vibrance and passion for giving that is unique to SHA graduates. I enjoyed serving in local, regional and national Cornell Hotel Society leadership roles and meeting multiple generations of women and men from around the globe that shared the LIFE IS SERVICE perspective and energy.

 Many of my closest friends and business colleagues are active Hotelies. And underscoring my personal passion for the SHA, three of our four children also graduated from the SHA. The late Phil Miller, an extremely close personal friend, was instrumental in fueling my Hotelie fire. It is through his legacy, that Yasamin and their Endowments will continue to make HOTELIE FOR LIFE a forever-thriving state of mind.

 I am enormously proud to be a Hotelie for Life!”

 Russ is pictured here on a recent trip to India and Nepal.

Russ Urban ’81