Ali Hoyt ’12 and Chad Wemischner ’13
Ali Hoyt ’12, Senior Director, Consulting & Analytics at STR, and Chad Wemischner ’13, Business Manager at Breakthru Beverage, shared what it means to them to be Hotelies for Life®.
“As students cooking in culinary lab, studying for prelims, working a weekend shift at the Statler, and perhaps most importantly, spending countless hours together through HEC, we felt what it meant to be a Hotelie. What we couldn’t see then (including that we would get married six years later), was… what it meant to be a Hotelie for Life – to always feel a sense of belonging among lifelong friends and talented colleagues that all share in a common “Statler Hall” experience. For us, this means helping current and future students have equally impactful experiences. Most recently, at our wedding among Hotelie friends and mentors (classes 1956-2013), we worked with a number of current students to help make the weekend a reality. HEC 94 Board Members Ward Simcox ’19 and Isabella Mayer ‘19 organized a group of students to bartend and coordinate all the little details. Bradley Chen ’21 baked our wedding cake. And Richy Petrina ’01 married us. It was a true Hotelie event and was yet another reminder of how fortunate we are to have found our Hotelie family!”